uLockr (pronounced "micro locker") is a simple and flexible platform that enable digital content creators to use Stellar for micro-payments without needing to create a website or do coding. It's based off the real world concept of digital lockers, in which a content creator stores access to a product or a service (e,g, via a link or access code), and earn Lumens (at a rate they set) any time a Locker is unlocked.

A Locker can for one-time use or be continuously updated over time. A single content creator could easily manage multiple Lockers through uLockr's management dashboard.

If they chose to, users can track their unlocks through the User dashboard for convenience. A Locker is unlocked upon payment, enabling instant access to the content.

After Unlock-

Because uLockr does not require any integration, it can be used to facilitate micro-payments for legacy platforms (e.g. forums, instant messaging apps) that do not otherwise support Stellar.
uLockr is fully functional now on Stellar LIVE network.