Hi fellow Stellarnites,
My work colleague and I have have been working on a mobile Lumens wallet, Lumeee. While our wallet is not necessarily revolutionary in terms of the user-friendly features it offers, it does offer one core feature that will put security conscious Lumineers (did I just coin that term?) at peace: the ability to store keys locally on your device while still having those features of a crypto wallet that we have all come to expect.
How does Lumeee do this? Well simple: we never store your private key, or even your wallet. Instead, your keys are derived from a mnemonic phrase, encrypted and stored locally on your device. "But what if I wipe my phone?" - this is why we derive keys from a mnemonic which we give you to store - giving you the ability to easily restore your lost keys on Lumeee and other platforms. This way you can rest assured that your key will always stay in your hands, and your hands only!
The key features of Lumeee:
Key derivation from mnemonic - with ability to restore keys using mnemonic
Local, encrypted storage of your private key. Keys are encrypted using your own password
Multiple wallet support
QR code support for sending and receiving Lumens
For the remainder of the build challenge we will continue to add features other than those mentioned above. Stay tuned, and please let us know which other security/user-friendly features you would like to see!