StellarTerm is an open source client for the Stellar network.
Send, receive, and trade assets on the Stellar network easily with StellarTerm.
Mission statement
Develop a beautiful user-friendly trading client to showcase the exciting features of Stellar and empower users to use these features today!
In the past month, StellarTerm served 148,000 unique visitors! (source: Cloudflare)
What's new
The existing formula of StellarTerm was already working pretty well, I was able to focus my time on making many further improvements and polishes to the client.
On the surface, StellarTerm is still the interface that many have grown familiar with. However, many individual elements have been fine tuned and improved. Some are visible such as the improved exchange page or the Ledger Nano S integration. Others are subtle such as better user messaging and improved behind-the-scenes data management.
Most active development: 546 git commits since October 2017!
StellarTerm development has been more active than ever before! Today, the GitHub repository has over 900 commits. In October, there were only 367 git commits in the project, so this represents a huge increase development!
Commit counts per contributor since October 2017
471 Iris Li (not including StellarTerm desktop client)
23 Nikhil Saraf
11 robertdurst
8 Chris Hatch
5 diego-z
3 Tammy Camp
3 Tomer Weller
2 Chi Kei Chan
2 d13daw
2 Jack Kleeman
2 Christopher Eaton
2 Peter S
2 Sergey Nebolsin
1 tom_aka_spartangeek
1 Bartek Nowotarski
1 Grigoris Yioutanis
1 Jeremy Mawson
1 Joshua Byrd
1 Sergey
1 Yeunjin Kong
1 lenondupe
1 sdtsui
1 Adolfo Builes
Source: git shortlog -s -n 8627928cebd71e30d5964cb8e4c4d20a4973b057..HEAD
Spot the changes!
These screenshots compare StellarTerm in October 2017 versus today. The ticker data used in the screenshots is from today.
Overview of some changes (doesn't include everything)
Desktop client
- Ledger Nano S support (Thank you LeNonDupe for the library and assistance)
- History pane (Thank you Robert Durst)
- Reorganized login tabs
- Minimum balance messaging
- Value of balances in USD
- Ordering accept assets based on what the ticker shows
- Trade link for each asset so even unlisted assets are tradable
- Better explanation text for users to understand what is happening
- Send pane now shows assets the destination doesn't trust and explain what it means
- Logout feature
- Overview of price at top of page along with simplified styles
- Price chart stylings improved
- "Spot" price calculation improved and responds well to wide spreads
- Fetches historical trading data progressively while immediately showing latest data
- Outlier detection algorithm using sliding window median
- Bid ask table now mirrored
- Commas placed for easier scanning
- Decimals/significant figures adjusted to be more user friendly
- Prompt user to accept asset if they don't already accept it
- Error handling with more details on what problems happened
- Minimum balance explanation
- Display how much of an asset the user has
- Label tags in inputs
- Fixed price table for some browsers
Markets page
- Show 24 hour change based on USD prices (historical XLM/USD price is fetched)
- Better number formatting
- Show decimals in a better way
- Asset ranking improved to emphasize liquidity
Refactored code and behind-the-scenes improvements
- Asynchronous transaction handling to support Ledger Nano S today and possibly 2FA in the future
- Bower files checked in for faster setup and more security
- New modal system used for Ledger and available for future features
- Application state driver refactored and made consistent and easy for new developers
- Improved event handling that solves a weird bug with account log in not working
- Crash handling with instructions
- Solar CSS framework imported into StellarTerm so changes can be made
- Ticker code improved with debug logging
Other improvements
- Testnet mode
- Homepage design and messaging improved
- Reduced npm dependencies
- Ticker now updated every minute on the clients
- Explain issuer address and prevent users from using the wrong account ID
- Clickable text expanded so they're easier to click
- Header current page indicator styles
- Version number at top right of page
- Animated loading ellipsis
- Asset cards now more colorful
- Whitelisting assets for certain accounts so that users don't send the wrong assets
- Prevent users from sending to certain issuers where the money will be lost forever
- Clear guidelines for listing on StellarTerm
- Click-to-select on some elements
- Favicon logo for easier recognition
- Many other small UI improvements
Thank you to external contributors
Robert Durst wrote code for the history feature in the account page (
LeNonDupe helped with Ledger Nano S integration.
Nikhil Saraf built a deposit page.
All others who made pull requests and opened issues on the GitHub repo.