What if Reddit's 2017 April Fools' stunt (/r/place) were combined with the Stellar network? Introducing Celestial Place, a virtual, collaborative drawing board powered by micropayments!
Just send a small amount of Lumens to GCZLX5HCW6PDMBA7YS6HAKNO5NN5VLVLWYK4S32LWC6PMUAWPV2QSTAR with a formatted memo text. For example, if you wanted to put the color #c0ffee on the square located at row 20, column 18, you put "20,18,c0ffee" as your memo text.
I'm running this on a free instance of Gigalixir (PaaS for Elixir apps), so if this takes off, I'm willing to pay to upgrade the servers.