In the age of digital era, it is required to have digital space to creative and collaboration for new age. We are developing a technology where people can create , produce and innovate by creating virtual inventories and products which are entangled with real world. Thereby value flow in the system is seemless.
For example, for producing an electric car we need a design, assembly line, and parts. These assets along with their ownership can be decentralised, so someone will be owning an assembly line, someone will be designing and someone will be producing products. Making all the values decentralised and making it exchangeable will help us leveraging and optimising the capacity for production. Autonomously create economic models which can be programable so that value generation is utilised maximum level.
Since the eliminating gold standard for money, we entered into value generation virtually but we could not see it happing with our eyes. So we like to design a value creation system by creating virtual space to expand innovation, collaboration and production which we can see it visually help build artificial intelligence for production. It’s the digital transformation happening right now.
Rimualtion, we create digital space where people can put their products. The logo explains as 1 and 0, then it says a space or warehouse or box or inventory etc..
We are looking to use stellar as a network to host our ICO initially. Going forward we are also looking to use stellar as a medium addressing asset management coupled with escrow.