StellarSigner - The Stellar Transaction Signer Mobile App
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Stellar Signer is designed to be among the most secure apps to sign Stellar transactions on iOS and Android.
Stellar Signer can already sign transactions submitted to it from other apps or through the copy/paste buffer.
Stellar Signer is also a standalone app and any application that wishes to use it, including websites can use it to sign their transactions.
- It does not have network permissions (no threat of network-based hack or transmission of secure keys directly from the app)
- It cannot create transactions
- It will decode and display the XDR on screen for the user to review (both pretty and raw views)
- It can sign and reject transactions offline
- It can offline return the response to the requesting app via copy/paste and/or deep links
- It will store the secret encrypting the database file on disk with AES-256+SHA2 by supplying a key typed by the user
6.5. Stellar Signer is intended to integrate with hardware wallets for singing, though this work hasn't been implemented yet.
- All sensitive information is stored on the phone and can't be used outside the app
- Real Native Apps with React Native and Mobx.
- Available for iOS and Android
[ X ] Add XDR
[ X ] Decode XDR
[ X ] Show Decoded XDR Tree
[ X ] Add transaction via deep link
[ X ] Send transaction to viewer
[ X ] Encrypt Secrets
[ X ] Copy / Paste Button
[ X ] List Secrets
[ X ] Add Secret
[ X ] Choose Secret
[ X ] Add Password Security
[ ] Add Bip39
[ ] Integrate with Ledger Nano
Video Link
The project was made by Getty/IO Inc. with the collaboration and feedbacks from Mikefair.