We are creating an application where people can browse and play through a collection of arcade games. To play, players can 'insert coin' by sending a small payment to the developer using the Stellar cryptocurrency.
Why stellar?
1. Fees are small and predictable
2. A Stellar transaction is almost instant
Traditional arcade games where players spend a coin for the opportunity to beat a difficult game is a lost form of entertainment that we want to recover thanks to cryptocurrency.
Technical Specs
The system is a client/server app where client is a game browser that can connect to many "arcade machines" connected via UDP sockets to servers running the Galacticade devkit.
All the game controls are transmitted to the container that sends back all the graphics and sound. Like old video game arcade machines, the game can only be used by one person at a time, while others can watch.
If free, any player can send a stellar payment to take control of the system until game is over and if lucky, get their name on the high scores.
Developers can create and deploy stellarcade games using our devkit or any programming system that speaks UDP sockets in the LLAMA transmission standard (to be documented).