Hello! My name's Jan and I'm a software engineer from California. I'm excited to share the details and a small demo of Stellar CSV with you. Please let me know what you think! ?
Stellar CSV
Stellar CSV is a website for easily retrieving all of your interactions and transactions on the Stellar network as a CSV file. CSV is a simple file format that is similar to an Excel sheet. It’s used by many exchanges as a way of exporting your transactions for your records, and by many portfolio trackers as a way of importing transactions.
Tax season is coming up and many portfolio tracking websites, e.g. CoinTracking, do not support directly retrieving your transactions from the Stellar network.
I can track my transactions to/from exchanges, but not to/from my Stellar account. This leaves gaps in my portfolio transactions, so it looks like I sent my XLM from the exchange but never received it in one of my wallets.
I have two options. I could manually enter each transaction every time I send/receive XLM from my wallet (even when I received inflation lumens), or I could use Stellar CSV every once in a while to update my portfolio.
Example usage
- Withdraw 1 XLM from an exchange to send to my Stellar wallet
- Download transactions CSV from an exchange, e.g. Binance
- Download transactions CSV from Stellar CSV
- Import the exchange transactions CSV into CoinTracking
- Import the Stellar transactions CSV into CoinTracking
- Yay, a complete portfolio!
Note: The current CSV format is made for CoinTracking, but I intend to add support for other tracking sites.
Feature goals by March 15
- Simple website for inputting the account address and downloading CSV [Done]
- Download CSV of all transactions from an account [100%]
- Support deposits [Done]
- Support withdrawals [Done]
- Support trades [Done]
Future goals
- Open source the project
- Support different CSV formats depending on portfolio tracking website
- Support multiple accounts in one CSV
Try it out
Download your deposits as a CSV
- Go to the website: https://stellarcsv.com/
- Enter your wallet account ID and press the Download CSV button
- Open the downloaded CSV file, transactions.csv, and verify that it is correct using Excel/Numbers
- (Optional) Import the CSV into CoinTracking
If you don't want to use your own wallet account ID, you can use this one I picked randomly from stellar.expert: GDU7JF37JTX35F5V7SUPL6BCIZRONNEFXSBV2U2JLVOYUUVDK7XCA3NN
This will retrieve the account's transactions from Stellar, convert them into a CSV file, and download it as transactions.csv. This is all done within your browser, so your wallet account ID is not sent to any servers.
CSV is formatted for CoinTracking. CSV screenshot taken on March 16, 2018.