I am trying to download all my account downloads using js but I am having trouble coding something up. In the sdk is shows ways to download a single page containing up to 10 transactions but I want it to show literally every transaction on my account. How do I write a loop using:
.then(function (page) {
console.log('Page 1: ');
return page.next();
and make it so it is a while loop(while there are more pages keep pulling new info).
I don't want to copy and paste that over and over when I don't know how many transactions there will be.
javascript download user transactions
You could try the streaming requests example.
I started stream now but I need access to the memo and that is only given as a html address in the form of the transaction. how do i access that?
- Edited
Use the payment transaction hash to fetch the transaction.
Something like:
Also see the Following links section on the same page
Can I do a server call within a server call? I want to get the memo and display it in a specific spot in the first server call.
maybe my quick script helps.. a server stream observing the payments for one account.. if a Payment happens it gets the transaction the payment is in and reads the memo.