Hey everyone! ?
Big fan of Stellar (signed up on day one) and thought I'd introduce myself here. I'm Drew Wilson ( https://twitter.com/drewwilson ) and I'm building something new on top of Stellar along with my co-founder Michael Jackson ( https://twitter.com/mjackson ). It's called Versa ( https://twitter.com/versa_hq ).
I run an e-commerce platform called Plasso and have been in the payments space for just about a decade.
After attempting to integrate Stellar into Plasso's checkout product, I realized there is currently no way to pay with crypto for things in a way that is familiar to consumers.
So we've set out to fix that with Versa.
Versa will be two things, a product and a service.
For consumers:
Versa will be like Apple Pay for Crypto.
A beautiful, secure, fee-free wallet for sending and receiving crypto payments.
For developers:
Versa will be like Stripe for Crypto.
Send payment requests directly to a customer's phone and charge anyone without having to copy/paste private keys or deal with QR codes.
In order for crypto in general to take off, there needs to be a way to spend crypto. This experience currently is broken. It needs to be as fast and familiar as checking out with a credit card or paypal.
Companies like Coinbase focus on making crypto accessible to people by making it easy to buy crypto. We're coming at it from the opposite end. We're going to make it easy to buy THINGS with crypto.
We're also building everything in public ? So follow along on twitter and watch as we build everything from the UI to the actual codebase. We even started a youtube channel and are logging most everything we do ?
Excited to get Versa in your hands soon!
Please ask any questions you might have about what we're doing ?