Hey guys, today is the day we make public this unique way of betting on the blockchain and it is called Kiniball, play kinielas on all sports starting with Baseball and we will be adding more sports weekly like Basketball, Football, Hockey and European Soccer in all premier leagues.
It is so easy to play, just head over to our site and pick winning teams for all games of the day for just ONE XLM so we can play as many tickets as we want without breaking the piggy bank, that's less than a quarter per ticket so the more you play the higher the chance to hit the jackpot and the more we all win. Winner takes all, if several players hit the jackpot it will be split among winners. House takes only 1% to cover for server costs.
The cool thing is that your play is stored on the blockchain so everybody can verify the validity of all playing tickets making it the most trustable betting site in the whole world and changing the way people bet from now on. Be careful to send your play in the memo field so it can be stored properly. Tickets are considered valid only in the time frame between 8:00 am EST and the starting time of the first game of the day so hurry up before closing time at 1:05 pm.
Here is a screenshot:
As usual, send all feedback our way. Good Luck and Playball!