This is a short screen record showing how a public sale of XFF works in Firefly app. So how it really works? Runs in Firefly framework, this simple dapp can easily get my address and then talk with stellar network to get balances. After I complete the input and click action, the dapp will create a muilt-sig transaction with necessary operations(trust , payment , token payback), then send it to Firefly framework to let me check and confirm(sign) it.
What happens next? the dapp send the multi-sig transaction (with my signature only) back to its server side. the receiving party check and sign it (now it is real multi-sig), submit to stellar network. with listening to the network, the dapp know the transaction is completed and refresh the state.
I think it's simple/right way to connect blockchain, clients , traditional applications together. Instead of to bring anything to blockchain, this method reduces integration difficulty for devs that are not experts on blockchain. They can embrace blockchain with a bit modifications with their original logic.
This is what Firefly will do.
Firefly is the first mobile trading client, and it will be dapps market with simple SDK provided for developers. What can be done here? login with firefly and qrcode , payment invokes firefly ,or payment in firefly. asset management, portfolio analyse , multi-sig server and so on.
XFF is token for Firefly community. Now it is on public sale on stellar network,with 1000000 provided at UTC 04:00:00 each day until 05/24 . If interested, you can try the dapp yourself and even get some XCN using XCN/XLM tradepair to buy some XFF(oh there is not English version it must be a challenge to you).