Sigfolio Wallet
We are skipping the August SBC and will submit next round. We want to have a higher quality product with more features.
For this SBC our team will be building a wallet that's primary focus will be on design using Microsofts new Fluent design elements. It will be available on the Windows 10 Store so we will be going through the App Approval Process, it is also available as an open source project on GitHub for review.
This project will be using our previous SBC winning project the .NET SDK heavily. We welcome the input of everyone, and please follow our progress both on the SDK as we add features to it to accommodate our wallet feature sets and the progress on the wallet itself, links below.
.NET Stellar SDK:
Sigfolio Wallet:
There will be 7 releases, done in an incremental fashion. The TBD's will be filled out over the course of time as we identify feature goals and progress our roadmap.
As you may have noticed, we renamed the wallet from StellarNow to Sigfolio Wallet. The StellarNow name was a good one but we felt it violated the SBC rules and would cause issues. We have a product called Sigfolio that we have been working on for 8 months, it's not ready for prime time but we want to add to its brand using this wallet.
Get a working wallet that can the very basics of the following:
- Show XLM Balance
- Show XLM Transactions
- Send XLM Assets
- Open Wallet with Keyfile and Secret Key
Powered Ascent - V0.2
- Support for All Assets
- Federation Support
- Create a new account & fund it
- Ability to switch between public and test (settings).
First Stage Burn - V0.3
- View Transaction Details
- Wallet Nickname
- Set Inflation Destination via Inflation Marketplace
Second Stage Burn - V0.4
Lunar Burn - V0.5
Lunar Orbit - V0.6
Moon Landing - V1.0