We would like to announce Galacticbot.com, an open source trade bot for the Stellar platform!
We believe Stellar is the perfect platform to build and run a trade bot on. First of all many exchanges have a percentage based fees per transaction. The transactions costs of Stellar on the other hand are flat fee and neglectable. Second, compared to other blockchain platforms, Stellar settlements are one of the fastest and usually settle within two to five seconds. And third, Stellar is trying to be fair and inclusive. Everyone can connect to the SDEX (Stellar Decentralized Exchange) and start trading. And all in the spirit of open source technology! What’s not to love?
We have developed Galacticbot.com in the same spirit. Our goal is to build an open source trade bot library that can be run on the Stellar network. A library that we can work and improve on as a community.
- An abstract bot class which you can extend to do implement your own trading logic
- Bots can be run both the Stellar public net as well as on the Stellar test net for testing
- Bots can be run in real time or as an simulation to test out bots and settings
- Exponential Moving Average (EMA) bot implemention which is currently being live tested (see below for links)
- Demo project to show a working implementation of the library and to allow you to get a bot up and running in minutes
URL: https://www.galacticbot.com
Live running bot: https://www.galacticbot.com/demo/ (No you are not allowed to edit the settings ?
Source code & documentation: https://github.com/unwindnl/GalacticBot/
FAQ: https://goo.gl/6o3tAJ
Two teaser shots of both the base library and the software-as-a-service included below.
We would like to use this announcement as a conversation starter, please ask away!