Over the last 3-4 months I've been playing around with Stellar, and decided to create an Elm SDK as none is available. (http://elm-lang.org)
I've used the official Stellar Laboratory quite extensively for testing, and upon further investigation it is built in React/Redux. I've used to work in React/Redux at work before transitioning to Elm, so I decided to re-create the laboratory in Elm as well.
I've also read that examples and strong documentation will award extra points from now on, so I figured that re-creating the official laboratory built in JS in the language of the SDK would be a good start ? It is hosted on Github Pages and the source code is obviously available on the repo.
I have plans to continue working on this project as I've had quite a bit of fun despite sinking in quite a few hours.
The readme contains info about the structure, the initial goals, future plans, how to build etc.
Anyhow, here is the SDK repo! https://github.com/ryan-senn/stellar-elm-sdk
And the SPA Demo repo! https://github.com/ryan-senn/stellar-elm-demo
And Live Demo on Github Pages: https://ryan-senn.github.io/stellar-elm-demo
The SDK has been published to the official elm package library: http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/ryan-senn/stellar-elm-sdk/latest
Any feedback is welcome! (my Wedding is on the 12th of August, so my apologies in advance if I don't respond quickly.)
Thanks for considering my efforts being worthy of some lumens ?