Random Questions:
1) There are 36 validators with a simple quorum set (depth=1) and 17 validators that use one level of inner quorum set (depth=2) and no validators that use inner quorum sets of inner quorum sets aka depth>2. (see depth chart screenshot) Is it allowed to have inner quorum sets within an inner quorum set aka depth>2 ?
2) Of the 53 validators with a defined quorum set, only 12 of them reference themself in their own quorum set. According to the whitepaper it seems that every quorum slice by definition must reference self. All the tier 1 validators: SDF validator 1-3 & Eno (see cluster screenshot) reference themselves in their slices. Is it bad that 41 validators have quorum sets that don't reference themselves? I'm not sure what the impact of this is...
3) Stellar states "Stellar.org doesn't currently run a validator." https://github.com/stellar/docs/blob/master/validators.md is this true? What are SDF validator 1-3 then?