Hello All,
I'm back to announce my submission for the Stellar Build Challenge. Here's my old post (missed the last SBC cutoff date): https://galactictalk.org/d/1223-hello-android-users. It's been a while, and I've had a couple of updates since then, so I'll reiterate:
Lumina for Android, Stellar Account Manager
Key features that make Lumina stand out among the rest:
Open Source (Apache License 2.0). Can't stress this enough. How can you be at peace of mind not seeing the code that is handling your valuable assets? Not only do I aim to foster an open, collaborative developer community, I am also aiming to serve as a resource for others to learn how to develop for Stellar on Android natively! It also serves as an example of how to leverage Stellar's Java SDK. Here's the code: https://gitlab.com/duchesstech/LuminaWallet
Local-only. I'm not a big fan of having a separate account with separate backend systems tied to my account seeds across multiple systems. Many see it as convenient. I see it as attack surface area. This way, your accounts are as secure as your phone (and secure as your password-encrypted seeds).
Password-Protected Account Seeds and Transactions. Some "wallets" let any user who gets a hold of your phone to process transactions; this is not acceptable. This also goes hand-in-hand with open source. See how I'm encrypting the account seed in your local storage here: https://gitlab.com/duchesstech/LuminaWallet/blob/master/app/src/main/java/tech/duchess/luminawallet/model/util/SeedEncryptionUtil.java
Multi-asset, Multi-wallet. Why use a wallet that only sends the native currency? The Stellar network is meant to be so much more.
Trustlines. Add/Delete/Modify your trustlines!
Of course I have Contacts, QR Codes, Inflation Destination, and Transaction History.
The app is fully released on the Play Store, and we've already given a major update! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tech.duchess.luminawallet
Planned updates for 1.1.2:
Account Nickname/Ordering and unique graphical representation
Fiat Conversion Currency Selection
Android Toast Coloring
App Launch Security (Fingerprint/Pin/Pattern)
Again, one of the biggest attributes of this, is that it has always been, and always be open sourced! The goal of this project was to provide a secure, easy, local-only way for users to manage their Stellar accounts on their Android device, as well as encouraging the developer community to contribute!