I initially posted this in my old March 2018 thread, but it should probably be a new thread so I'm reposting.
For this SBC, I've decided to continue development on my site, https://www.stellarasset.com. I'm focusing on a couple of key areas:
- Language Support. Given the awesome global community and mission of Stellar, I want to make stellarasset.com more accessible for everyone. I'm wrapping up the final touches on language support for Spanish, German, and Bahasa. I chose these languages based on analytics data. I'll be looking to implement additional languages soon!
- Asset verification. With all of the bad actors out there in the crypto world, I want to try and help weed out assets that may be harmful. To do that, I now run daily verifications against assets and issuer domains (using published toml files). The site has indicators for verified/non-verified assets and hides all issuer urls for non-verified assets. I'm not filtering these out completely, because one of the primary use cases for stellarasset in my mind is research and exploration, which means looking at the good and bad.
- Charting support. Now that I've got ~8 months of data for holding accounts and issued volume metrics, I want to make it easier to visualize the data by implementing some standard charting periods that you'd commonly see (30-day, 60-day, etc.).
Asset verification is live now. Language support and extended charting will be going live within the next week. Thanks for reading!