I setup a standalone stellar network by changing the NETWORK_PASSPHRASE
as mentioned here.
I got the root account key in the logs after starting the network. Let call that root ROOT_ACCOUNT_KEY. I could also validate that it was the root account key by connecting to my standalone network and getting its balance which is 100000000000. I went ahead to generate a random seed and use it's address to send some XLM inside. The code below illustrates that
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
SetupStellarServer setupServer = new SetupStellarServer(ROOT_ACCOUNT_KEY);
try {
setupServer.createAccount(RANDOM_ADDRESS, "", String.valueOf(1));
setupServer.sendFunds(RANDOM_ADDRESS, String.valueOf(1000), "");
}catch(ErrorResponse e) {
public SetupStellarServer(String seed){
Network network = new Network(PRIVATE_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE);
keyPair = KeyPair.fromSecretSeed(seed);
if(stellarServer == null)
stellarServer = new Server(URL);
public AccountResponse createAccount(String destinationAccountId, String payload, String amount) throws IOException{
KeyPair destination = KeyPair.fromAccountId(destinationAccountId);
AccountResponse destinationAccount=null;
Network network = new Network(PRIVATE_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE);
Operation operation=null;
}catch(ErrorResponse e){
if(e.getBody().toUpperCase().contains("NOT FOUND")){
logger.info("Account does not exist yet. We will now create it with 1 XLM:"+destinationAccountId);
throw e;
operation = new CreateAccountOperation.Builder(KeyPair.fromAccountId(destinationAccountId), amount).setSourceAccount(keyPair).build();
logger.info("Account creator is:"+keyPair.getAccountId());
AccountResponse sourceAccount= stellarServer.accounts().account(keyPair);
Transaction transaction = new Transaction.Builder(sourceAccount)
return destinationAccount;
public SubmitTransactionResponse sendFunds( String destinationAccountId, String amount, String payload) throws IOException{
KeyPair destination = KeyPair.fromAccountId(destinationAccountId);
Network network = new Network(PRIVATE_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE);
Asset asset= new AssetTypeNative();
Operation operation=new PaymentOperation.Builder(destination, asset, amount).build();
AccountResponse sourceAccount= stellarServer.accounts().account(keyPair);
Transaction transaction = new Transaction.Builder(sourceAccount)
return stellarServer.submitTransaction(transaction);
I'm using the java SDK for stellar. This code works well on the testnet but when I run it on the standalone network, I keep getting
"type": "https://stellar.org/horizon-errors/not_found",
"title": "Resource Missing",
"status": 404,
"detail": "The resource at the url requested was not found. This is usually occurs for one of two reasons: The url requested is not valid, or no data in our database could be found with the parameters provided."
I understand the exception might be because the account does not existing but AFAIK, to create an account on the stellar network, you need to do a transfer towards the account's address. This is what I doing in the createAccount
method. Also the URL exists and is reachable. I could validate that by getting the balance of the root account key programmatically.
I have been working on this for the pass 3 days. I'm frustrated. I believe that I'm missing something.
Any clue will be welcoming.