The World Community Grid is an IBM sponsored open computing grid dedicated to supporting "cutting-edge research into important global humanitarian causes". Users dedicate spare CPU cycles on their computers, phones and tablets towards processing data for scientific research projects. At the moment my phone is tracking asteroids and my linux box is helping to cure the Zika virus and map the human microbiome. By lunchtime they might both be helping out on different cancer research programs.
Some newcomers to the stellar community are here to find out how to "mine" Stellar and presumably leave again when they discover they cannot.
The energy expense in mining PoW cryptocurrency is often derided as being wasteful, because while work is being done nothing much is being achieved.
So, here are three interesting facts:
- SDF has a large pool of Lumens that they wish to distribute widely.
- The World Community Grid would like to distribute their processing widely.
- A large group of people are interested in using their spare CPU cycles for profit.
If SDF funded XLM payouts for work done on the World Community Grid, this may be a big net positive. SDF's relationship with IBM might make this easy to achieve.
What do people think?