The GTshare token was created on March 12, 2018.
As far as I know, GTshare is the first XLM dividend paying token freely tradable via the Stellar network.
You can buy / sell tokens immediately via the SDEX!
Hold any quantity of GTshare and on the 1st day of each month you will be offered lumens.
Everytime, a global amount is split equitably (automatic process) based on the ratio of the GTshare total supply you're holding. This is rule #0 and it is permanent.
Since the GTshare isn't very popular yet, temporary rule #1 has been set in march: the top holder account is excluded from the distribution process during the first 10 dividend payments.
Glad to see that the GTshare has been functioning seamlessly for almost 7 months now! Some people know about it, but not enough in my opinion!
To encourage the spreading & trading of GTshare even more, temporary rule #2 applies from now on…
It is decided to bind the amount distributed each month to both the number of accounts holding the token and the number of trades made via the SDEX.
More precisely during the next 3 months and only those months, the distributed amount of lumens noted x will be almost equal (more or less 1 lumen) to:
35 + 3 * nb_accounts + 0.5 * nb_trades
Nota bene:
in all cases x will be capped to 220 XLM in october, 240 in november, 260 in december 2018.
At this point, there are 21 accounts holding GTshare tokens, and only 24 trades made so far…
If nothing changes until october the 1st then the distributed amount would be:
x_hypo ~= 35 + 3 * 21 + 0.5 * 24 = 110 XLM
By setting this temp. rule I hope to encourage you to spread the word about the GTshare token. So give some tokens to your friends / lover / lil' brother / uncles… Create a Stellar account + trustline for them and be kind enough to give 0.2 GTshare or more ;-)
You can also buy new tokens in tiny quantity from other people via the SDEX, since this increases the number of trades.
Hence, everyone will benefit from your actions!
Thanks for your participation,