dzham This initial version only works with the "live" ledger data, so it allows you to get the current state of accounts/trustlines/signers/datafields and receive realtime updates via GraphQL subscriptions. It doesn't require any additional storage and operates directly on top of stellar-core DB.
We're currently working on the next version which will ingest historical data into Dgraph and expose it as part of GraphQL schema. Our ultimate goal is to eventually support all the queries supported by Horizon and a lot more, including historical snapshots ("what was the balance of account X at certain date") and graph analysis ("get all the accounts linked to account X with a payment of at least 1000XLM").
Jem Yeah, we're familiar with this setup by Tyler van der Hoeven and think he did an awesome job. We've been playing with Postgraphile-based solutions for a while also, but unfortunately Postgraphile doesn't support subscriptions out-of-the-box and the implementation provided as part of their paid Supporters Plugin is pretty basic.