Hi guys! We are pleased to inform you that we just started a new project based on stellar https://sdex.trade
Yeah, it's decentralized exchange!
It's based on stellarjs-sdk.
We cant see, do not store and can not access your private keys.
We are not trying to build another trading platform.
We are trying to create an entire ecosystem with a closed-loop - input-trade-output in order to minimize interaction with centralized exchanges.
After all, centralized exchanges that are companies are limited by the laws of their jurisdictions and can not provide those functions that we deem necessary.
All your trade history, open orders, trustlines will be visible after login. You can create new keys or use your existing keys
Future plans:
1. Stop-Loss (disabled now. we are working on it)
2. Wallet (send coins). Yeah, no wallet function right now. Please use the wallets from the official website https://www.stellar.org/lumens/wallets/
3. Own anchors with already existing assets. Yes, we DO NOT plan to create our own assets, but rather to use existing assets in the stellar network (from naobtc, fchain, etc.) Simple Deposit/Withdraw like in centralized exchanges. No minimal deposits.
4. Input / output of fiats. In the OTC Trading tab, users will be able to use the over-the-counter transactions function for crypto and asset (will be added soon). You can place your own orders for buying/selling XLM/Assets (like localbitcoins)
5. Adding Chinese, Russian lang.
6. Trust management of finances, thanks to multi-signature.
Ideas, questions, remarks: support@ sdex.trade
P.S. There are not all trade pairs listed on sdex. We are adding them later