This is a short description of an idea that we have been working on. Would like to gather community feedback and gauge community interest.
What is GPUXLM:
Multiple assets have been issued on the Stellar blockchain, backed by metals, fiat currency, gemstones and business models. We propose the introduction of a new asset (GPUXLM) on the Stellar blockchain, one that is backed by a commodity that is both transnational and easily verified – GPU mining hashpower. GPUXLM will rely on GPU mining for decentralised, democratized distribution and participation while relying on the Stellar blockchain for security, transfer and exchange at low cost. The value of GPUXLM, while derived from the market will be anchored by its hashpower (more easily verifiable than metals/gemstones and ‘hard’er than a business plan).
Benefits to Stellar:
• A ‘crypto mining’ asset on the Stellar ecosystem (which is currently very removed from mining)
• Increases the variety of assets in the Stellar ecosystem
• New users introduced to the Stellar ecosystem (e.g. GPU miners)
Benefits to GPU Miners:
• Token targeted towards GPU miners (decentralised, fairer, ASIC resistance)
• Protected by the Stellar Consensus Protocol (so no issues of 51% attack, especially when scaling up)
• Quick transfer of the GPUXLM tokens with minimum fees
• Listed from Day 1 on StellarX and other Stellar DEXs
• Fair coin
Benefits to GPUXLM owners:
• GPU mining hashpower (PoW) is a proven commodity (transnational and verifiable)
• Easily traded on Stellar DEXs (at low cost and from day 1)
• Asset ecosystem that is complete at launch (miners, holders, smart contracts etc are all ready at rollout)
Would love to get a discussion started.
We have a small concept note ready on GPUXLM which goes into a bit more detail regarding the project. Would be glad to share it if there is interest.