Hey friends,
I would like to contribute the following review as part of the "Content Creators Challenge". ?
First of all, much thanks to ALL of the developers! I was pleasantly surprised to see there were so many wallet options available. Everything from the command-line driven for the UNIX geeks to web-based to desktop GUI clients. Very cool. Accessibility is important.
Moving forward with Lobstr....
- Official Site: http://lobstr.co
- Version: 1.0.13
- Obtained via: Google Play
- Running on: Nexus 5X + Android 7.1.2
- The polished branding & look of Lobstr stands out as a selling point.
- Both the website & app are cleanly designed. Not bloaty.
- Easy to comprehend & use.
- I really found the whole process, from beginning to end, to very much be a "what you see is what you get" type of experience.
- I was looking for a simple wallet to send/receive from & Lobstr fits for that.
- Has multiple sign up features -- including using your existing Google or Facebook account -- so that flexibility was nice to see.
- "PIN" feature lets you further secure your app by requiring a PIN when reopening. This is off by default & I was going to suggest the feature but I then easily found it listed in "Settings". ?
- 24.99 XLM giveaway! Thanks!
- You cannot get your secret key after the fact; some other apps do allow this and I wouldn't be mad to see the feature. However, it does a good job of warning you about this. It gives you the opportunity to write it down and/or have it e-mailed. You also have to check an "I understand" box. Fair enough.
- When you name your wallet, you can only use lowercase letters or digits; no uppercase. It also has to be at least four characters. I feel like these restrictions are unusual but no big deal for me to workaround either.
I think that about sums it up. All in all, I would definitely recommend Lobstr to others.