Hi everybody,
we are organizing another meetup in Munich. This time with special guests from the Stellar Foundation: Kori Higgins, Global Development Manager and Lisa Nestor, Partnerships @ Stellar.org
Join us on Friday, June 28 at 6:30pm - 9:00pm for networking and the possibility to ask questions direct to members of the Stellar Foundation.
You can register here: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Stellar-org-Munich-Meetup-Group/events/262250835/
The event will be sponsored by soneso.com and blueorion.cc - the official lead of the Stellar community cluster in Munich. We will annouce the location as soon we know how many people will join the meetup.
Everybody who is interested in Stellar is welcome. We are looking forward to meet you in person on our fourth meetup.