In this tutorial I will explain how to run a stellar-core node on CentOS 7.2. We will be setting up a full validator, but in most cases you don't need to run a validator. Validation is only necessary if other nodes care about your validation and you want to participate in the SCP. For more information about stellar-core and why you would want to run a node check out this page.
Most steps are the same for setting up a validator or non-validator node, the only difference is in the configuration file. So you can follow this tutorial in both cases.
There are also stellar-core docker images:
This way you can save a lot of time getting a node up and running by sacrificing some of the flexibility and control.
At first I was running a validator on a $5/mo DigitalOcean instance with 512 MB RAM, but I would constantly run into performance issue. Especially, stellar-core would eat up all the RAM and kill the machine when the swap kicked in. I would suggest to have a machine with at least 2 GB of RAM. I didn't run into CPU (average 25%) or bandwidth issue.
General CentOS setup
If you just started a fresh instance of CentOS you should take some steps before the installation of stellar-core to assure the system is secure and up to date.
The first thing I do is to run:
sudo yum upgrade
sudo yum install vim
This will get the repository and all system packages up to date. And of course give me vim so I can easier edit configuration files. Feel free to pick emacs ?
The second task I do, on a freshly installed machine, is to create a local non-root user and forbid root login. You can follow this excellent guide to accomplish this.
I also like to add this line to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
PasswordAuthentication no
This disables password authentication and you can only use Public/Private Key login on the machine. It's good practice and makes it more secure. No reason to deal with passwords in 2016.
I also strongly encourage you to follow this guide to enable the firewall, set correct time and add a swap file.
I would only leave 2 ports open in this case sshd and the stellar peer port (11625):
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=ssh
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=11625/tcp
Building stellar-core
We will be compiling stellar-core from source and need the developer tools installed:
sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
sudo yum install postgresql-devel
You can check out all the dependencies required by stellar-core here.
Building gcc
CentOs 7.2 ships with gcc 4.8. Stellar-core requires 4.9 or higher. The best way to solve this is to compile the latest gcc from source following instructions on StackOverflow:
I would grab the latest version (6.2) instead of 5.3 with:
curl -O
The compilation process takes some time, go grab a coffee.
You will also need to simlink the freshly compiled libstdc++ library with:
sudo cp /usr/local/lib64/ /lib64/
sudo rm /lib64/
sudo ln -s /lib64/ /lib64/
Configuring libpq
At one point during the stellar-core compilation you would run ./configure and it would fail with the following error:
No package 'libpq' found
The problem is that when you install PostgreSQL dev tools on CentOS it doesn't install the required file for pkg-config to find it. To solve this you can create the file by hand.
Name: LibPQ
Version: 5.5.0
Description: PostgreSQL client library
Libs: -L${libdir}/ -lpq
Cflags: -I${includedir}
Getting stellar-core
Just grab it from git and check out the latest release tag:
git clone
git checkout v0.5.0 # Check out the latest stable version
git submodule init
git submodule update
Compiling & installing stellar-core
The following steps will compile and install stellar-core:
make -j 4
make check # Runs the tests
sudo make install
Configuring CentOs for stellar-core
We will run stellar-core under the stellar user:
sudo useradd stellar
Note that we don't set a password for this user as we will never need it. If we want to become the user for configuration purposes we can always do 'sudo su - stellar'.
Installing PostgreSQL
For the production database you probably don't want to use SQLite. It's a good idea to install PostgreSQL. Here are instructions how to install it on CentOS:
You will need to create a role stellar and a database stellar:
sudo -i -u postgres
createuser --interactive # role=stellar, everything else=no
createdb stellar
Again, we don't need to set a password for the user, because stellar-core will run under the user stellar and as we have the same roll and database it automatically has privileges to access it.
Stellar folders
Stellar requires a place on disk to save logs and the full ledger:
sudo mkdir /var/log/stellar
sudo chown stellar /var/log/stellar
sudo mkdir -p /var/stellar/buckets
sudo chown stellar /var/stellar
sudo chown stellar /var/stellar/buckets
Configuring stellar-core
This is the most important step! You can find more information about all the configuration parameters here.
This is an example validator configuration file:
I usually start from the example file and adapt it to my needs:
sudo mkdir /etc/stellar
sudo cp stellar-core/docs/stellar-core_example.cfg /etc/stellar/stellar.cfg
sudo chown stellar /etc/stellar/stellar.cfg
sudo chmod 600 /etc/stellar/stellar.cfg
sudo vim /etc/stellar/stellar.cfg
An example of some of my configuration parameters:
DATABASE="postgresql://dbname=stellar user=stellar"
# non validating
# History local commented out
# [HISTORY.local]
# get="cp /var/stellar/history/vs/{0} {1}"
# put="cp {0} /var/stellar/history/vs/{1}"
# mkdir="mkdir -p /var/stellar/history/vs/{0}"
# history store
get="curl -sf{0} -o {1}"
get="curl -sf{0} -o {1}"
get="curl -sf{0} -o {1}"
# This field does not exist
Notice how I commented out the MAINTENANCE_ON_STARTUP parameter. I do this because I was getting an error that this parameter does not exist when starting stellar-core:
<startup> [default FATAL] Got an exception: Unknown configuration entry: 'MAINTENANCE_ON_STARTUP' [main.cpp:537]
As a validator, defining the QUORUM_SET is going to be one of the most important things you do. Take your time to read more about it and understand it.
Create the stellar-core tables in PostgreSQL
Switch to the stellar user and create the database tables:
sudo su - stellar
stellar-core --conf /etc/stellar/stellar.cfg --newdb
Add stellar-core to systemd
If the previous step went well you want to add stellar-core to systemd as a service, so it automatically restarts on crashes and gets started when the system starts.
To do this create the file /etc/systemd/system/stellar-core.service with the following content:
Description=Stellar Core
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/stellar-core --conf /etc/stellar/stellar.cfg
Notice how stellar-core is started after PostgreSQL so it has the database available.
Now you can start your stellar-core node and enable automatic startup:
sudo systemctl start stellar-core
sudo systemctl enable stellar-core
Inspecting the state of your node
Congratulations! Your node should be up and running. Now you want to keep one eye on the logs and the health of the quorum so your node stays up and happy.
To check what the stellar-core service is writing to stdout and stderr run:
sudo journalctl -u stellar
For the rest of the commands you need to be the stellar user:
sudo su - stellar
To get general information about your node you can run:
stellar-core --conf /etc/stellar/stellar.cfg --c 'info'
Or to check the quorum status:
stellar-core --conf /etc/stellar/stellar.cfg --c 'quorum'
An explanation of all this fields you can find here.
Hope this tutorial was useful. If you get stuck on some steps or require additional clarification feel free to ask here.