Hi, I'm Lance, a web developer and Stellar holder. I recently made a new Stellar wallet with JavaScript called StellarSecure.
This wallet utilizes react redux, react semantic UI, and Stellar's JavaScript SDK. I spent about two weeks making it and I plan on adding more features to it in the near future. Using the wallet is fairly straightforward. You can generate a new wallet on the fly or log into an existing wallet.
- Historical price activity
- Two-factor authentication
- Send and receive lumens
- Support for USD and EUR currencies
- Support for the German and English languages
- Transaction history
- Address verification when sending lumens
- Balances figures in fiat and XLM
- No registration
- Responsive design (can use on phones and tablets)
The wallet uses HTTPS and almost all execution is done in the browser. The small part that is done on the server is the part that deals with storing two-factor authentication codes.
I plan on adding support for more languages and currencies if needed.