Summary: Spreading awareness and usage of Stellar to the world by offering it as an incentive to the users of Bitfortip
Goals: Funds will be used towards hardware/server cost and promotion of Stellar towards it’s current and future users. Bitfortip currently has 28.000 registered members and has been running for 4.5 years.
Upload a photo with your smartphone (i.e. a dress ) that you saw on a magazine,website, Pinterest or Instagram and you don’t know where to buy it online connect it with a reward of your choice and upload it to bitfortip so members can try and search it online for you in order to win the reward.
Find a better price for an item that you want. Offer a small reward for members to search for you online.
Find a piece of information on the internet that you can’t find on your own. Post an inquiry along with a reward for people to find you a certain link, image, e.t.c.
Example image:
YouTube video showcasing the smartphone app:
Android link:
iPhone link: