Astrocore is an implementation of the stellar-core, the core component of the Stellar network, written in Rust.
Astrocore has two main goals:
- become a full-fledged alternative to the stellar-core, so any Stellar network participant can use it
- kickstart specs writing. At the moment, stellar-core doesn’t have formal specs on how it works. This makes it very difficult to create other implementations.
Having more than one implementation of the core node would improve the diversity and resilience of the Stellar ecosystem and infrastructure. Development becomes more decentralized, leading to a network that couldn't be taken down by a single virus or attack (like Corebleed for Bitcoin).
Astrocore is written in Rust, which seems perfect for this task because it focuses heavily on performance and reliability. Moreover, Rust code is more developer-friendly, than C++, this can help to increase the number of potential contributors.
Creating specs along the development process facilitates the development of other implementations
Current status
Astrocore is in a very early development stage. But you can already build it and run it! At the moment, Astrocore can connect to the network, discover and authenticate peers, receive and broadcast messages.