Cygnus - Social Wallet. (SCF-2 Proposal)
Social wallet with full address book and bi-directional contact approvals. User's have the
ability to cryptographically sign their user
profile data as well as their federation address
using Ledger Nano S hardware keychain device.
Send Lumens to anyone with ease and security,
without ever, exposing your secret keys.
- Strictly enforce secure method for access and
management of user assets.
- Provide one time stop for all your asset
portfolio management.
- Abstract away complex tasks such as public and
private key management.
- Provide contact book with cryptographic and
verifiable proofs of identity.
- Curate public assets representation as well as
financial institutions contact list.
We started working on this particular project in
2017 but have been prototyping on testnet since
early 2016.
Our mission is to accelerate the adoption of
Stellar ecosystem and in particular provide
exciting way of managing assets issued on
Stellar Network as well as a bit of
"tangibility" for the users to easily recognize
and categorize assets they own.
We have been working on a unique and tangible
representation of assets issued on Stellar
Network and have plans to extend and improve this
representation. Currently each asset is rendered
with a unique pattern as its background based on
two coordinates that each asset needs to
- issuing account public key
- asset code
The design is persistent and unique to each asset as can be seen in the image below:
Identicons have been integrated
into this wallet since the inception, and are
rendered as unique robot faces. The screenshot below represents unique
pattern for Kraken Exchange public key:
Transaction amounts are always displayed in
preferred currency that the user can set on the
account. Any asset that is traded on SDEX is
automatically recalculated to reflect its value
in preferred currency.
In order to improve custom asset display we need
to utilize more information coming from the
stellar.toml accessible on a domain of asset
issuer. Currently only the domain name lodged
into Stellar Account is being displayed:
The main balance dashboard has been improved and
now includes historical chart of the XLM/preferred currency pair:
Any incoming/outgoing payments for the account
are immediately reflected on the UI. Similarly,
the price ticker data comes from Kraken socket
The integerated address book enables easy search
of contacts:
Contacts have an optional memo field that is
automatically pre-filled upon contact selection.
The case below illustrates pre-defined MEMO
field as required by Kraken Exchange:
Cygnus wallet enables secure transacting on public
Stellar Network and provides users with the
following features as of today:
Contact Book
- Send payments to contacts, no more hassle with
public keys.
- Fully integrated contact book with two-way
contact management.
- Add and search payment destinations by payment
address or public key.
- Sign your profile and payment address for extra
- Federated contact search.
- Preferred currency setting for each contact.
- Predefined MEMO text option per contact.
Account Settings
- Optional signing of user profile data and
payment address.
- Hide payment addres from public view.
- Fully delete user account data from without
affecting account state.
- Type in first few characters of contact name to
pick payment destination.
- Intuitive transaction summary for signing with
hardware keychain.
- View past transactions in detail using paged
Cygnus wallet is web based and works with
browsers supporting U2F API, which include
Firefox Quantum, Chrome, Brave and Opera.
There are three ways to access Stellar Account
with this wallet:
- Traditional login credentials and registration.
- Light-weight client for quick transaction or
account viewing.
- View only explorer by federation address or
public key.
Cygnus wallet is available at:
More info about our
We are fully open source. All the code is
available on our
Additional Info
Stellar Development Foundation described our
effort as "project with strong fundamentals
and work, that could grow quickly with more
adoption, feedback, user-experience or support".
Here is the short term outlook of what we plan on
implementing in upcoming releases:
- Improved asset identicons and detailed asset
information section.
- Consolidated balance summary based on native
and asset token values.
We appreciate any constructive feedback and
encourage anyone to play either with the
account explorer or light-weight client. You
can simply sign-in using your Ledger device
without the need to register. Nevertheless,
we would love to get feedback on the account
augmentation features as well as any improvements
or additional features that the community finds
Thank you. - Stellar Fox team.