Hello everyone,
1.5 year ago I've created the GTshare token based on Stellar.
My goal at that time was to check if crowdfunding projects in a new way is technically feasible…
And to see how one of my experimental software (that makes use of the Stellar API) operates over a long time span on publicnet. Generally speaking the whole experiment was a success, even if the GTshare price crumbled after StellarX banned GTshare for reasons that aren't very clear.
Today I want to take the experiment to the next level. I came up with a concept that I believe will be more useful for expanding the start-up I run.
Therefore a token swap is set up : 1 GTshare will be reclaimed for 800 LUDO tokens.
You can perform this token swap simply by using the SDEX (buy LUDO using GTshare)
Characteristics of the token swap:
- major difference: the LUDO is an utility token and is therefore less prone to get banned from StellarX, other exchanges, or censored by governmental entities
- new rule: 1.2M fixed supply instead of 600 fixed supply
- in the long run, gamers will use that token to get more benefits from http://ludo.store services. Holding 1000 LUDO or more will allow you to add a "VIP status" to your player account. This will reduce both cash and crypto expenses (online and in-app purchases) by 30%, and will provide several other bonuses TBA in the future.
For information about how a VIP status could be activated by "staking" LUDO tokens, check the ludo.store website. Be aware that this gaming portal is still an early prototype (work-in-progress) and should evolve a lot before the end of the year. Your questions/comments are welcome. Peace