Hey everyone!
I prepared a short review of our progress during the last three months.
- First of all, the brand new Stellar markets dashboard is here! Now you can check price with daily and weekly dynamics, volumes, trades count for any Stellar trading pair.
- We added "funded" trustlines count to asset statistics, so now you can see the total/funded/authorized number of trustlines. For some tokens, this new stat is far more representational as it shows how many accounts are really using token.
- Our ingestion engine now processes extended stellar.toml information for assets, including adherence to the SEP-3, SEP-10, SEP-12, and SEP-24 standards which describe protocols for automatic inter-application communication.
- And since the automatic interaction is essentially one of the main drivers of the harmonic ecosystem growth, we changed the way how we calculate assets ratings, adding the new "Interoperability" category based on this info.
- We released a completely reworked search engine implementation with full-text search capabilities. Not a Google search so far, but now you'll be able to search also for assets by domain, description from stellar.toml, asset code, anchored asset type, etc. I'm especially inspired by this new search engine functionality – querying structured information from the ledger using human-friendly natural text search is an ultimate goal for any blockchain explorer. We keep polishing and experimenting with it to introduce an even better user experience in the future.
- To simplify Stellar-based tokens listing on platforms like CoinMarketCap, we introduced new open Asset Supply API. Feel free to use it if you want to get the total supply amount of any Stellar asset – pass it to aggregators or use it with your own website.
- We added no-referrer headers policy across all pages to enforce your personal info protection. We value your privacy, therefore we don't use behavioral analytics tools like Google Analytics, don't track IP addresses server-side, and keep refining our privacy-related features.
- And a cherry on a pie. We adopted an awesome identicons standard proposed by Lobstr team. It helps visually distinguish various accounts at a glance, especially on pages containing multiple operations.
- Also, we launched our own blog to keep all posts in one place ✨.
Check the detailed description of all new features here: https://stellar.expert/blog/stellarexpert-update-november-2019
P.S. I received several questions regarding the project Centaurus. I promised to publish a series of articles describing the architecture and core concept a while ago and still haven't fulfilled my promise.
The reason is that we found a way to get rid of the periodic state snapshots and at the same time integrate history API directly into the node (originally we planned to make a separate API service for this purpose – just like Horizon for Stellar Network). It allows us to simplify the flow, optimize storage, reach even higher operations throughput while improving the resilience and delivering strong consistency. This is a major design change, so we are in the process of huge code refactoring. I’m rewriting the documentation and articles prepared earlier to match the revised architecture.
We are full steam ahead with this, and as soon as we prepare a more or less stable release and update the documentation (hopefully, next week), I'll publish the promised articles.