Stellar Workshops & Seminars
Providing workshops on token creation and smart contracts based on Stellar.
Based on our successful Stellar meetups in Munich and New York, the idea evolved to implement meetings with a workshop character and educate everybody on the potential of the Stellar ecosystem. We have already created a 50 pages tutorial how to create a stellar token using the laboratory. Since we received a positive feedback, we plan to continue conducting workshops especially in EU and the APAC region as well as develop more tutorial material. The workshop content such as slides, videos, etc. will be open source and available for all in the community.
Our goal is to share our knowledge and awareness of development on the Stellar blockhain. Our objectives are:
- Create workshop tutorials, with interactive tasks which motivate the attendees to get their hands dirty by themselves.
- Formulate an ambassador program, so the workshops can be performed by others in different geographies. We envision to conduct the sessions offline and make the content available offline to engage a larger audience
- Create a “Stellar Workshop Attendee Certification” for attendees who not only attend our offline workshop sessions but are able to complete the tasks of the workshop on their respective terminals.
What does the workshop project enable users to do?
After attending the workshops user are able to:
- Know about the goals and motivation of Stellar
- Use the stellar.org/laboratory and other tools
- Use Stellar wallets and know about the benefits and pitfalls with different wallets
- Know the basics of Stellar
- Know how to create a token
- Know about the possibilities of creating smart contracts, using timebound, sequence number, channel accounts, signatures, thresholds and more.
Why are the workshops project valuable for Stellar?
- Because we will educate the attendees about the potential of Stellar and also how to start using the ecosystem.
- In person workshops will enable personal relationships between Stellar enthusiasts.
- Building and expanding a community of blockchain enthusiasts who would prefer to use Stellar if and when they require to implement blockchain in their project
Timeline and how will we spend the funds:
We will use the funds to cover the costs of content creation and of logistics to get the workshops conducted. We will continue with workshops in 2020 and report on them.

Website: https://blueorion.cc
Workshop Tutorial: https://blueorion.cc/documents/Blue-Orion-Workshop.pdf
Keybase User: smartstellar
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