Project title:
180NF - https://180nf.io/
Everyone is different and our health and nutrition is dependent on our culture, lifestyles and local environment. So, why is it that nutritional or fitness apps treat everyone like we’re all the same? The reality is, there’s a need for a global app that can adapt and change to wherever you are in the world, not just the US or Europe.
Now there is an app that can work for every person in the world.
Introducing 180º Nutrition and Fitness, the first global health app.
180NF gives you a personalized wellness experience, customizing workouts, diets and health recommendations for your specific needs. Schedule trainings and personalized exercises whenever it is convenient for you.
The app is powered by our own cryptocurrency system, where you can earn tokens by contributing to our nutritional database. By simply scanning in food and entering in corresponding nutritional information, or completing exercise challenges, you can begin earning NF tokens that can be used to place wagers on how well you might complete a certain task or challenge.
So, whether you are walking, jogging, cycling or swimming, get involved, compete, Wager NF and win! 180NF Wager gives you a 100% professional and fitness app anywhere in the world.
Building the largest nutritional database
We want to disrupt the fitness and nutritional space. Just take a look around, in your supermarket, what are they selling to us, how many chronic disease have they appear, diabetes, obesity and everything starts with what you eat. We live in a world that is divided by nutritional information, all of the nutritional database are control by US or Europe, and all of the nutritional or fitness apps uses the same database as reference. But they are incomplete, they aren’t taking into account most of the countries, local food, ethnicity, culture and those apps are obsolete outside the US or Europe.
We are facing a real problem and thanks to blockchain we can actually solve it by providing the most complete database not only to people or apps but to hospitals and nutritionist from around the world that can’t even evaluate their patience correctly from the lack of nutritional information of what the patient is eating and current apps aren’t helping users.
That's why we decided to create the first nutritional database in blockchain maintain by the users. In stage 1, we created a new option in our app so anybody can scan products, contribute and earn NF tokens.
We want to motivate users to live a healthy lifestyle. That’s why we created a 6 week challenge, were you can choose between jogging, swimming, walking and cycling and you enter by betting NF token. So lets say you bet 40 NF tokens (each worth 3 USD) and in total 1000 users join the challenge, that’s 40000 NF tokens in the pool (120000 USD). Only the users that complete the daily goals and complete the 6 week challenge are eligible to divide the pool money.
We just launch our dapp, you can follow the link bellow and if you leave a review it will help us to get it positioned in the playstore. For now wallet functionalitys are available, once we get more users we will enable the scanner rewards options.
enable scanner rewards
start testing challenges and if everyone goes well enable challenges in the dapp
We have an on going airdrop,
if you download our app, and have at least 30 NF, we will send you 20 NF.
20 million tokens are reserved for this airdrop.
ends the 31 of March 2020
NF token is available in stellarterm against USD (usdanchor). We want to have a stable price for all users and later on enable other pairs.
Website - http://180nf.io/
Discord - https://discord.gg/mQXS4G
Twitter - https://twitter.com/180NF
Medium - https://medium.com/@180nutrifit
Steemit - https://steemit.com/@nf-180nf
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/180nf/
Appstore - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cientochenta.nf_wager