What is Stellar Battle?
Win community-funded prizes by competing in small competitions that are chosen by the Stellar community.
View the open battles here!.
Many people in the Stellar community want to contribute, but don't know how to. This project brings the community together around small tasks (battles). Anyone can start a Battle for a small task and fund the prize pool. If others find this task important too, they can add funds to the prize pool as well.
Battles types
Battles can have different theme's:
1. Content Battles
There is too little good content about Stellar. By donating to a prize pool upfront, we can incentivize people to write about subjects we value. The first content battle, for example, realized 5 articles about how to use Keybase for payments.
2. Technical Battles
Want a new feature for your open source project? Or have a specific challenge you are running into? By opening a battle you can ask community members to create it. If many people donate to this battle, the chance that it gets realized increases.
3. Brainstorm battles
Problems that need an answer or ideas that need a plan can be turned into brainstorm battles. For Stellar Battle we could, for example, ask the community to come up with a marketing plan.
For regular community members, Stellar Battle presents a way to:
- Actively push the realization of services, products and content they'd like to see.
- Contribute to the value of the ecosystem by finishing tasks that are considered important by the ecosystem.
For companies building on Stellar, Stellar Battle presents a way to:
- Interact with the community and ask for their help where needed. Lobstr, for example, is using Stellar Battle to ask people to write content about multi-signature, because it provides them a way to reach a big group of knowledgeable content writers.
- Find talent by pushing small tasks into a big community of Stellar followers.
- Ask for help around challenges.
- See what community members find important.
This project has been bootstrapped from personal funds. It would be amazing to see this picked up by the Stellar community. Support would mean that more battles can be released, partnerships can be sought and battle creation, voting, and pay-outs can be more decentralized and automated. We really think this can bring a lot of focus and collaboration into the ecosystem!
This project is a follow-up to the Stellar Content Battle. A battle that asked the Stellar community to write articles about how to use Keybase for payments. A prize pool of over 2,000 XLM was created by enthusiastic community members, which resulted in 5 awesome articles! Through a photon poll on reddit the prize pool was divided.
Anyone can create value for the Stellar ecosystem by:
- Submitting battles
- Funding battles
- Competing in battles
Cryptocurrency use-case
The cool thing is that this actually is a great cryptocurrency use-case. Imagine having to do this with bank accounts. Letting people donate to a prize pool that changes the moment they deposit would be very hard.
By using Stellar, it is possible to show a public prize pool, that anyone can add funds to. This allows for massive collaboration within the ecosystem but is even applicable outside it , as crowdsourcing is relevant in many industries!
Website: Stellarbattle.com
Stellar Content Battle #1 release: Medium
Stellar Content Battle #1 results: Medium
Anything else
For those that don't know, my Reddit username is Pickingunicorns, next to this initiative I've worked on the Stellartorch.com, Astellarday and the Stellar Content Battle.
Don't forget to have a look at the open Battles. Most were thought of by community members after the first Content Battle.
Special thanks to Litemint and Lobstr for sponsoring two of the battles!