webby.io is an app client for various social media that allows you to personalize your feed in one place.
It's a solution to counter the ever increasing reliance on enigmatic algorithms for curating your feed.
In addition it incorporates Stellar (+Keybase) for seamlessly supporting content creators.
Major Goals
- Create a feature rich app experience for multiple social media - all from one app (no need for multiple apps)
- Create a dashboard/portal for content creators to interact directly with their fans (censorship resistant)
- Create a mechanism for patron/supportive pledges and rewards across various social media (censorship resistant)
Q4 2019
Create YouTube client library
Create reddit client library
Create main app screens for collections, discovery, search, accounts, settings...
Setup general CI/CD pipeline & crash alerts
Integrate general Stellar tipping and payments on reddit posts
- Finish setting up social media contact channels / landing pages
- Finish comments screens
- Finish Play Store testers distribution.
NB: * a few of these are currently hidden while ironing out bugs and overall design.
Q1-2 2020 (Early Alpha)
- Add general Mastodon (ActivityPub) support (possibly reach feature parity with other clients)
- Setup general webby.io control dashboard for content creators
- Will function similar to TweetDeck + Patreon/BuyMeACoffee but with Stellar.
- Reach feature parity with other reddit clients
- Reach feature parity with the YouTube client (within TOS)
- Integrate better hardware tests
- Setup iOS app version
- Built using React-Native: able to be cross-platform across Android/iOS (+web with RN Web).
- Integrates Stellar (+Keybase) for tipping/patronage
We believe webby will be valuable for Stellar due to the current social media climate being uncertain.
The rampant copyright-claim abuses, the COPPA situation, are all among a few problems plaguing content creators.
By integrating various social media with Stellar + Keybase, it will bring back control and stability for both content-creators and viewers over their feeds and finances.
APK Download / Demonstrations Link
Funds received will go towards paying for API usage fees (YouTube has a very low free-tier limit); hardware device testing and error reporting, iOS porting as well as hosting fees.
Income will be sourced from the content-creator portal imposing a small fee for posting updates/notifications (draft/whitepaper coming soon with landing page in a few days.) A patron model similar to BuyMeACoffee/Patreon.
Thank you for reading this far, happy to answer any questions here or on any of my Keybase verified profiles.
Landing pages and other contact points will be up soon, holiday rush pushed it back a bit.