Stellarmint makes creating tokens on the Stellar network even easier.
Applications, Tools & Infrastructure
General. Remove the technical barriers associated with issuing a token on the Stellar network.
- Improve the UX and onboarding process by adding a walk-through option and other user cues once logged in.
- Streamline the process of accepting the token's trustline. Near term - Add video tutorials showing how to accept a trustline with the major wallet providers. Medium term - Integrate available tools to make trustline acceptance easier, such as automatic XDR generation for easy export and signing. Long term - Champion a SEP if existing tools could be improved or supplemented to streamline the process of accepting a trustline.
- Automate portions of the Stellarmint process to reduce token delivery wait time and to improve scalability.
- Automate editing control of the Stellar.toml so changes are instant.
Someone shouldn't have to be a developer, or even have a website, to be able to issue a token on the Stellar network. The Stellar network was designed to allow any form of value to be issued on the network by anyone. To fully deliver on this stated purpose, issuing a token on the Stellar network needs to be easier and Stellarmint does exactly that.
Is this service really needed?
Without a doubt. First and foremost, not everyone with value to digitize and exchange has a website where a Stellar.toml can be hosted. Secondly, even with a domain name and website, there are technical challenges with hosting a Stellar.toml file. As most of you know, it must be served at a specific location and not all web hosting providers make it easy (possible?) to host a .toml file at that location. Further, even if web hosting providers made it easy, there can be complications caused by the Content Management System used to build the website.
I, and several other Stellar community members, discovered these technical complications first hand when setting up Public Node's Stellar.toml file. What was supposed to be a really easy task turned into hours of technical problem solving with no straightforward solution. We made several technical support calls to our hosting provider and even wrote a custom Wordpress plugin to try to circumvent the issue, but we couldn't solve the issue - we either produced forbidden errors or the Stellar network couldn't recognize the text as a proper .toml file.
We still do not know if the issue was something our hosting provider could have resolved or if it was a conflict with Wordpress (the single most popular way to create a website). Ultimately, we solved the issue by avoiding both and implemented a creative and highly technical Cloudflare workaround.
Needless to say, there had to be a better way and is why I created Stellarmint. As it turns out, I even ran into a technical issue related to stellar.toml files when creating Stellarmint. Thankfully, after two support calls to a premium hosting provider, we resolved the issue by having them add a MimeType rule for the ".toml" extension in the Nginx configuration. Case in point!