Wolfchain - Bringing Blockchain into the everyday world
Making Blockchain easier and more accessible to the public, be it a person who has no knowledge of Blockchain or an expert.
Our web: wolfchain.dev
Applications, tools & infrastructure
- Make the Stellar Network accessible to a large demographic.
- Eliminate the bank dependency
- Easily implement payments through Stellar, in both, online and physical stores
- March 2020: Start the project : ✔
- April 2020: Start web design and programming ✔
- April 2020: Implement wallets, trusting coins and simple operations ✔
- May 2020: Implement anchors (EUR, USD, GBP) payment via PayPal ✔
- May 2020: Implement exchange operations ✔
- June 2020: Alpha version launched ✔
- July 2020: Fix errors and implement posible features
- August 2020: Add new anchors
- August 2020: App design and programming
- September 2020: Extension design and programming
- September 2020: Create payments gateway
- October 2020: Implement assistance bot
- November 2020: Beta version launched
- December 2020: Fix errors of beta version and implement posible features
- January 2021: Version 1 launched
- February 2021: Wolfchain API lanuched
Usually when I try to explain to someone what blockchain is and what benefits it has, they don’t understand the concept.
When I understood the blockchain concept my first thought was: “Why ordinary people like my parents or my sister are not using this? Why can’t I go to a grocery store and pay with Blockchain?”
This is when I thought: “How can I make the payments with blockchain, something common to everybody's day?”
This is our mission, that's how Wolfchain was born.
Wolfchain is a platform where you can buy, sell, exchange, send and receive currencies, made easy, made close to people. A platform where the only thing you have to do is create an account and start operating.
We want to bring blockchain to stores, ecommerces, applications, etc. That’s why we also want to create a tool for accepting payments, easy to use and easy to implement in an ecommerce or a store.
In our platform people can use ordinary currencies like Euro, US Dollar and cryptocurrencies, also we are working to add more coins soon.
Deep investigation lead us to discover this community and this platform, Stellar Network, a blockchain that makes it possible for us to carry out our idea. Bringing fast, simple and secure payments to everyone.
We have launched an Alpha version wolfchain.dev. You can signup and get your own user or use the following:
User: galatictalk@wolfchain.dev
Password: St3ll4r!
You can also put fake data and photos and create a new user to test our web, it will now be automatically verified.
Now the web is using Stellar Testnet and Paypal Sandbox
Paypal Credentials:
User: paypaltester@wolfchain.dev
Password: XAEX-Xii0
Answers & Questions:
What is Wolfchain?
The current objective is to have a place where you can manage your wallet, carry out operations, etc.,
but focused on a user who does not know the Blockchain environment.
If we really want non-blockchain-users to use it, they must be allowed to do more, and they must be shown that there are more options than just trading; that's why Wolfchain is not just a place to access your wallet, Wolfchain is also a payment gateway, physically and online, a place where anyone regardless of their knowledge can use Stellar.
What values is Wolfchain adding to the Stellar Community?
It is true that we have focused our project on people who doare not familiar with the Blockchain environment, but we also want to allow the existing community to use our project, we want to allow adding assets, using your already created wallet or even accessing other Stellar places in a way fast with our extension, even integrating tools already created by the community to see more advanced aspects.
More description:
We are not just an exchange - DEX is a small part of our website. Our idea is to develop a much friendlier environment for people who are not used to cryptocurrencies. We tested it with friends who do not know the crypto environment and knew how to manage , understood how to enter or how to exchange.
We want to create a payment gateway both physically and virtually so that all types of business can implement it. Create a plugin from Wordpress, Shopify, etc.
We want to create a chrome extension to be able to access other sites through Stellar and to be able to pay on the websites that use our gateway quickly.
During this week we have asked several people in our environment, when entering other exchanges or even on our website when seeing transaction IDs, wallet addresses do not understand exactly what they are or what they are doing.
We are aiming for a simple interface.
We want to make it as friendly as a bank, save wallets names to be able to recognize from who you receive or who you send, just like a bank “You have received € 98.00 from Marta”, “You have spent € 34.65 in the Cloth Store”
You can not buy ETH, BTC on our website. You can buy or add FIAT currencies and then exchange them. From what I have been able to see, this purchase is allowed by PayPal and once PayPal confirms the payment, from our issuer we send the purchased currency to be Euro , Dollar or Pound Sterling.
In the app you can find the same thing we have on our website, also with a friendly and understandable design for everyone.
In the case of mobile phones with a fingerprint reader, a transaction can be signed by reading the fingerprint. 2fa faster than email or sms
Using the extension you can make basic movements and see your account in a basic way, to obtain the balances quickly and without having to continuously login. What will be most useful to the extension is that when you pay in a store through our payment gateway, you will be able to confirm the payment from the extension, making paying much easier, faster and safer.
Payment gateway:
It would be divided into two parts. The first one, oriented to e-commerces; we want to make it easy to implement, with a wordpress and shopify plugin. The second one would be a PoS for physical stores; we want to develop a hardware that through nfc allows to pay by bringing the mobile closer. In my country, physical PoS are not usually liked by businesses because the rates are very high and have a high monthly cost.
On our platform you can put and remove assets instantly since we always keep all the liquidity, when someone adds funds we do not use those funds, they stay in the account to pay future withdrawals, in this way we ensure that the liquidity in the network be the same as in our paypal account or bank account.
We will never use your money.
You can always obtain the secret of the wallet in a secure way by confirming the password.
The user can choose to save the wallet in our database or save it locally using the app or the chrome extension. We want you to always have complete freedom and access to your funds.
We have been researching two types of design, flat and neumorphism, we also have two themes, light and dark mode.

View your balance and transactions (Dashboard):
This is a transaction model design and a balance graph very easy to use and intuitive.

A place to send your assets to another wallet

A place to get your wallet address and a QR code

DEX - Exchange
A place to exchange your assets

Buy EUR, USD, GBP via paypal

Transactions viewers
Watch transaction status and information
Send and receive

Exchange Order

A page for seeing all blockchain info including the actual currency exchange rate.

About us
Hey, I'm Jordi, I'm from Mallorca, Spain and I'm 19 years old. I have always liked to innovate and look for new ideas, new fields to explore, blockchain has been one of those for a long time that caught my attention. At 17 I applied to a technology campus, EmprenBit where we had to present an entrepreneurial idea, I won the first prize and I saw what I liked to undertake. Also as an EmprenBit award I was a speaker at the MiroInCube hackathon.
I’m Christian from Mallorca, I’m 23 years old, I started getting interested in blockchain’s world 1 year ago. I knew that this was the future.At first, it was really hard for me to understand how to use blockchain, so I asked myself , “Why don’t you make a web application easy to use for everybody?” Wolfchain is that application…
This year we had to deliver a final grade project, we decided to create Wolfchain, we liked the project so much that we wanted to take it to another scale, to make a large, useful project for everyone.
We studied medium grade: “IT management”, and high grade: “web developer” at “Es Liceu” in Mallorca, which allowed us bringing Wolfchain to life.
We are currently presenting the project in a business incubator of the Government of the Balearic Islands, our province, there they will advise us both legally and business. The “Fundació Bit” incubator is subsidized by the European Commission and the Government of Spain, so they will also require us to comply with all laws and regulations.
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