FreeVoting - Voting Service secured on the Stellar Blockchain to enable independent, immutable and verifiable elections.
We want to provide a full working voting platform which can be used in all countries, the objectives are:
1) Creation and administration of election settings
2) Voters can participate without owning a crypto account
3) Authentication based on email and two-factor-authentication (mobile, authcode, ...)
4) Automated creation of public election documents secured by hash in the Stellar blockchain
5) Automated creation of personal voting documents which prove the election participation
6) Vote submission from client browser (JS) to provide anonymity.
7) Creation of election token to enable easy to understand transparency on voting results.
Due to the covid-19 situation I see a need of "easy to use" election platforms. With our solution every organization can vote online without the need of meeting in person. I also got inspired by the last SCF submission of stellot.com and discussed the blind signature approach with the submitter to enable full anonymity.
Why is the voting platform valuable for Stellar?
The Stellar network will be exposed to a wider community which has not been in touch with crypto or Stellar yet. It also will show and prove the unique features of Stellar. Only with fast transaction times, it is possible to create a responsive blockchain voting solution.
This application will enable a free and independent voting solution for all countries with instable government structures . In this sense we see our platform as another solution to enable democratic structures in remote areas. Similar to the Stellar projects which enable free banking services.
Technical Solution
To achive the main requirements we created a process which is based on the following aspects:
1) Election Token: For each election we create a unique Stellar token which is used for all voting activites of this election.
2) Each voter has one vote: We use the specific Stellar infrastructure of channel accounts and sequence number
to ensure that one user only can vote one time by javascript within the browser.
3) Transparence: The vote submission will be done directly via Javascript from the voters browser. The
transaction id of the vote entry will be shown immediatly to the voter. This means the vote goes directly from voter (browser) to the network. The server can not interferre into the submission process.
4) Proof of Documents: There are two election documents:
a) the election setup PDF with all voting details and voter emails and
b) the election results PDF.
The hash of both documents is written into the Stellar blockchain to prove all election details for later reference.
5) Election Audit: We also plan to have a third party to do an audit on the election process. If the election went
fine, a thrird party can approve that the election was done according to the rules.
- Q1 2020 Create authentication and communication workflow ✓
- Q1 2020 Setup website with responsive user interface ✓
- Q1 2020 Develop additional Stellar modules to handle election functions ✓
- Q2 2020 Admin interface to enable election creation ✓
- Q2 2020 Email authentication ✓
- Q2 2020 Write PDF hashes and document links into blockchain ✓
- Q2 2020 Working prototype available ✓
- Q3 2020 Prototype testing
- Q3 2020 Finalize design tasks (pdf, email)
- Q3 2020 Setup own domain address
- Q3 2020 Enable hidden results during election phase and additional platform features
- Q4 2020 Integrate blind signature algorithm
- Q4 2020 Pentests, security, stability and scaling tests
- Q4 2020 2FA authentication with mobile / google-authcode
- Q4 2020 and 2021 Establish ambassador progam and product marketing
Website: https://blueorion.cc/votehome
Live Election - Best Covid-19 Precautions: https://blueorion.cc/elinvite-272-gVjrY8ejliEYonpD9UbxqCk6dzISsr29
Documentation: https://blueorion.cc/documents/BlueOrion-Voting-Platform.pdf
Youtube: youtube.com/watch?v=MSsRZPwuLq0
Keybase Team: https://keybase.io/team/blueorion
Keybase User: smartstellar
Twitter | Linkedin | Meetups Munich
voting, election, ballot, voting receipt
As always feedback and critic is welcome to improve the solution and the user interface. We are also looking out for prototype testers. If you are interested please join our keybase team.