Hi everyone, I am launching my private network using stellar core. I have done some changes in stellar core and launch stellar core and connect to horizon then facing following issue in horizon-
error="Error ingesting history archive: Error while checking for supported protocol version: Error getting ledger: Error getting ledger header: get failed: sql: Scan error on column index 1, name \"data\": input not fully consumed. expected to read: 576, actual: 572" next_state=start pid=6450 service=ingest Ingestion system state machine transition current_state="buildFromCheckpoint(checkpointLedger=255)" next_state=start pid=6450 service=ingest Ingestion system state machine transition current_state=start next_state="buildFromCheckpoint(checkpointLedger=255)" pid=6450 service=ingest Starting ingestion system from empty state... pid=6450 service=ingest Processing state ledger=255 pid=6450 service=ingest ERRO Error in ingestion state machine current_state="buildFromCheckpoint(checkpointLedger=255)" error="Error ingesting history archive: Error while checking for supported protocol version: Error getting ledger: Error getting l