
People need to save and invest, but they also have to pay bills and use their money everyday; What’s better than paying instantly with the same tokens you are saving and investing?
Our vision is to give people the power of cryptocurrencies, closing the gap between the digital world and everyday transactions.
Anclap's mission is to allow users to save up on digital currencies and also to pay their recurring daily expenses in a convenient way.
Anclap extends the standard anchor functionality and provides much more than only a simple on-off ramp to the network, it is a highway of scalable services with unique features aimed to facilitate the end user’s every day transactions while protecting their money.
This will be a huge contribution to improve the network effect on the Stellar Blockchain.


We use the Stellar Network infrastructure to provide users security, speed, and interoperability to easily move between the traditional financial system and the digital world.

Anclap connects the Stellar Network to real world services, so users will get:
- A real time fully automatic on-off ramp to the network.
- A way to protect your money against inflation through any crypto, stablecoin, or different assets.
- A prepaid international debit card
> Fund it with tokens and get it instantly ready to be used everywhere, online, even abroad! You pay with any asset, merchants get local fiat currency.
- The possibility to pay more than 5000 different local services.
Use your tokens to pay ISP or utility monthly bills, pay cell phone carrier airtime, refill your Metrocard, the health care insurance, your loans, your children school fee; Pay almost any billed expenses.
- A convenient, compliant and easy access to the new world economy
The easiest, fastest and cheapest way to leverage on crypto and take the best of your money while staying fully compliant with local regulations.

Why Stellar
Stellar as an open-source network for global payments that let us create, send and trade digital representations of argentine pesos. It’s designed so all the world’s financial systems can work together on a single network that handles millions of transactions faster and cheaper than any other blockchain.
Stellar represents the perfect ecosystem where we can give people the ability to exchange their assets and make digital payments. But we want to go a little bit further; that’s why we are adding value to the network as long as we extend the basic anchor features, allowing people to use their money not only inside (digitally) but also outside the network in the same easiest, faster and cheaper way.
We believe that opening this path of adoption will empower the network and demonstrate that it is clearly effective in its primary objective: building a new -normal-world interoperable global payments network.

What we offer
Through our work with several local partners, banks, and service providers, we have built a set of services to let them using tokens for they everyday transactions.
Currently working with Argentine Pesos, and designed to be implemented with any other currency (FIAT or Crypto).
We started with a standard anchor system designed to be interoperable, fully automatic, secure and compliant, but also scalable in terms of services; It also allows us to keep plugging in much more services in the future.
Anclap is currently accessible through Lobstr and Solar wallet. The ARS Asset is available on the DEX and we stand on Kelp and local several partners to provide liquidity.

Why would people want to use our Anchor service?
There are several options for depositing and withdrawing money:

Withdrawal Options:
Instant Bank Transfer.
Funding the prepaid international debit card using tokens.
If you don’t have yours yet, just request it instantly, you can choose between a virtual version or a more traditional plastic one.
Pay any bill, there are more than 5000 services available. Pay airtime, pay your national transportation card, pay the ISP, your car insurance, the health care insurance, your loans, your children school fees, your utility bills; pay virtually any invoice you may have.
If you still need cash you can get it through any of the 17 thousand ATMs or CashRetail across the country; with, or without your debit card. Maybe this is not a super useful feature for Americans or Europeans, but here in Latam there are a lot of products and services that are only available in cash.

Deposit Options:
Instant Bank Transfer.
Get funds from your prepaid international debit card and get back to cryptos. Don't you have yours yet? Just request it and it will arrive in a few days.
You don’t have a bank account? No problem! We are working on Direct cash deposits from any of the 4000 Cash-Retail across the country.

Anclap services are fully automatized and instantaneous:
Automation of all operations and services; instantly and 24x7.
User's money in hand of users (non custodial).
Your savings are instantly liquid, and fully backed by trusted and regulated local banks; it is monthly auditable.
It is strongly compliant with local regulations.
A regulatory compliance KYC & AML framework using the National Guvernamental service for identity validation and tracking of users activities.
- Interoperable access to all the services through SEP24, SEP6, SEP12 (working on SEP31).
It is a great complement for those platforms that wish to interact with it and a opportunity to build solutions on top of the ARS asset.

Demonstrations: Gallery/Screenshots
KYC Process



Timeline / Path to Market

As we have already stated, Anclap is the first Stellar Anchor that allows people to save up dollars or crypto and use their money anytime and everywhere, paying bills, using an international debit card, or sending money abroad.
Building and launching the Anchor system was our first step towards fully integrating the Argentine Peso to the Stellar Network, and it is currently working and available.
As we are going to market with anchor services, we have started working on the next step of our planning: making the services incredibly easy to access and use for everyone.
As a community, we are used to know how everything works within Stellar Network (buying tokens, using wallets and anchors, etc), but if we want to have a bigger impact, we should focus on making things as easy and accessible as possible, that’s why we are working on Buckler...
Having the best user experience is always our top priority.
In order to get people onboard, and to reach non-crypto users, we are developing our custom non-custodial wallet to provide them a really simple and easy way to access Anclap's services with no friction at all.
We want users to be able to use it everyday, and we have an unique opportunity to do that here due to the current QR interoperability (Transferencias 3.0) and the large network of merchants already using QR for the last few years (high penetration). There are more than 1.3 millions merchants already displaying their code and accepting payments across the country.
There are some features to make Buckler really useful and truly user friendly:
Protect your money on other assets but Pesos (USD/EUR).
Invest on trending cryptos or stock assets (any token within DEX).
Make instant QR payments; pay with any crypto settle in Pesos.
Use a prepaid debit card associated with your account.
Send and receive money to/from contacts.
Send money to a relative or anyone outside the country or make a cross-border payment.
Get georeferenced promotions, publish your products and services, etc.

Our Work
Achieved: What we did in 2020
We had done a lot of work to start engines and make Anclap real. We have been working for more than a year on:
Registering the local company; Grupo Anchor SA.
Associated with the National Chamber of Fintech as ‘Fintech Startup Member’, working together making sure to fully comply with both local and international regulators policies.
Designed and developed the Anchor with all the necessary modules.
Engaged with qualified attorneys and accountants to take care of administering operations.
Validate and test the system with the SDF Engineering Team.

Partnering with several providers and integrated our systems through API:
National Registry of Persons (gov entity) to validate identity.
Local Banks (BIND, SantanderRio) to provide instant 24x7 fiat transfers processing.
Local exchanges and liquidity providers.
Bill Payments service providers.
Debit Card licensors to issue, fund and use the prepaid card.

Rebranded and redesigned the entire product with heavy focus on the UX/UI experience.
Design and implement Kelp strategy to coordinate DEX presence and liquidity providers.
Validate and test integration with Lobstr Engineering Team.
We are polishing services and get ready to launch them. The debit card is in 'graphic design approval process' by the card carrier, and will be ready to start printing cards and shipping them by end of february.
We are also developing management systems, tools, operation dashboards and teams that ensure continuous improvements in our performance and risk management.
We are working on the integration with platforms like Coinqvest, and starting conversations with other anchors to implement direct payments.
Planning: Where we are going in 2021
We will be launching Buckler as a mixed (real world + crypto) wallet having both functionality and user experience as a top priority.
We want to carry out strong marketing and sales campaigns. We are sizing, planning and coordinating the necessary marketing actions to:
Stage 1 - Early adopters & Enthusiasts: reach users with at least some understanding of cryptocurrencies, happy to have a easy way to use their crypto trading investments revenues.
Stage 2 - to reach users with non crypto knowledge, willing to get enhanced services than they get with a regular banking wallets.
Our plan is working on digital marketing campaigns as well as engaging with crypto influencers and referents, financial advisors and tech press.

Ivan Mudryj - Co-Founder
+17 years as a Software Engineer, Business Manager and Solutions Architect
- Citizen Services General Director at Provincia de Buenos Aires Government
- Solutions Manager Partner at Marco Consultora
- Development Hub Manager at Microsoft Argentina
- Software Project Manager at Banco Hipotecario
Mariano Morales - Co-Founder
+10 years IT Manager and Backend Developer and +7 years as a Blockchain Specialist
- Research in Motion (RIM) operating system integrator.
- Blockchain-based Solution Developer and Consultant
- National Army Military Electronic Technician
Cornu Labat Otálvares - Attorney Studio ::
Verdier Piazza- Accountant Group ::
ProdStudio - UX/UI & PM Studio ::

Our vision and goals for this project are forged in years of experience dealing with the economic, financial, monetary and cultural challenges in underdeveloped countries. We understand those challenges very well and we have a sharp understanding on how digital solutions breaks barriers and creates innovative products to fulfill people needs. We are looking forward to facilitate access to financial tools in a convenient and user friendly manner.

That is why we created Anclap;
Would you like to join us on this venture into a new financial world?

Read more about Anclap at