A bridge between Web3 and the Stellar network
Rabet is an open-source browser extension wallet for the stellar network.
Rabet is an open-source browser extension wallet designed for the Stellar network by which you can manage your assets and interact with Stellar apps.
Applications and tools
Rabet Explainer Video
It is helping users connect securely and conveniently with Stellar apps that grow the Stellar ecosystem.
Creating a new wallet
Importing wallet with the private key
Supporting Multi wallet
Showing the latest transactions info
Sending any operations
Sending multi-operation
API for Developers
Showing XLM balance
Showing XLM value in USD
Showing assets balance
Showing assets value in USD
Switching between the Main network and Test network
Auto-lock Timer
Privacy mode
QR address
Set a name for a wallet.
Showing private key
Connect with Sapps (Stellar apps)
For users
Rabet is completely open-source. User information is encrypted and kept exclusively on local storage, which significantly improves security (You keep your own data). Users can check their balance, manage assets, send operation, and log in to various Apps on the Stellar platform.
For developers
Developers can interact with users and Stellar using the Rabet API the same way Ethereum developers do with MetaMask. Rabet is usable for all apps built on the Stellar network because it supports all operations.
Key features
1. Sending operations

In Rabet, you can send any type of application available on the Stellar network to as many as you want in a simple and beautiful UI environment. For example, you can send one payment operation with two change trust operations with one manage offer operation in one transaction.
Stank-supported operations:
2-Path payment strict send
3-Path payment strict receive
4-Manage offer
5-Manage passive offer
7-Set flag
8-Clear flag
9-Master wight
10-Home domain
13-change trust
14-Allow trust
15-Account merge
16-Mange data
17-Bump Sequence
2. Privacy mode

This feature, which is in the settings section and is on by default, allows you to determine whether you will be asked to connect an app to your wallet or it will connect automatically.
3. Auto-lock timer

This feature increases your wallet's security against the people next to you and who lives with you. If this is not the case, you should always lock the wallet manually, which most of the time users forget, and if someone comes behind your system and open the extension, they can easily steal your inventory. However, with this feature and by going to the settings and setting the automatic time for it, you will not worry about forgetting to lock your wallet.
4. Transparent structure

The Rabet structure is designed so that when an app sends you a transaction request to sign, you see all the operations' details by signing that transaction. This will help you understand what operations the app is doing and what you are signing for. This process allows users to interact more securely and without any stress with any apps that uses Rabet.
5. Secure

Your information is at your disposal. In Rabet, your data is encrypted and stored locally on your browser. No one but you has access to it. Also, Rabet is an open-source application. You can download its source and add it to your browser manually by unpacking it.
How does Rabet help the Stellar ecosystem grow?
When users interact with Stellar network apps in a secure environment and have a comfortable user experience, they are encouraged to work with Stellar network apps. This user interaction makes more developers willing to build applications on the Stellar network.
Where exactly are we?
It's been four months since we started working on Rabet, and now we have released the beta version of the Chrome extension, but you can use it in browsers based on the Chromium engine, such as Brave - Vivaldi - Opera., etc.
We have a plan to release a version of Firefox in the future.
1. What is Rabet?
Rabet is an open-source browser extension wallet for the Stellar network.
2. Where is my private key wallet stored?
You own your data with Rabet because your private key and data are encrypted and stored locally on your browser.
3. Can I do any operation on the Stellar network with Rabet?
Yes, Rabet lets you send any operations to the network with any number you want in one transaction and an environment with an understandable and beautiful UI.
4. Can I have multiple accounts in Rabet?
Yes, you can create or import as many accounts as you want in Rabet and easily switch between them.
5. I'm a user. How does Rabet help me to interact with stellar apps?
With Rabet, you can connect to Stellar network applications without providing your private key to applications. The Rabet structure is also designed so that when an application sends you a transaction request, you can see all the details of the operations that will be done with your signature, and it will help you know exactly what you are signing.
6. I'm a Stellar network developer. What does Rabet help me with?
One of the significant problems for users not wanting to work with Stellar apps is developers' private keys because developers need them to sign transactions. You can interact with the Stellar network and users using the Rabet API via Rabet. This makes users more willing to work with your app because there is no security risk for them.
7. I am a developer. How can I send a request for a transaction to Rabet?
To connect to Rabet and send transactions, you must use the Rabet API.
Read the document for more information.
8. What is the privacy mode option?
This feature makes Stellar network applications to require your approval before connecting to your wallet and then connect to your wallet after your acceptance.
This feature is enabled by default in Rabet.
Website: https://rabet.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rabetofficial
Discord: https://discord.gg/VkYdnRKUtZ
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBFLm1ejJMaHo7rFXtQontQ
Communityfund-seed: https://communityfund.stellar.org/seed-fund#/entry/f74cb1f4b67a8d222f6b886845e5f3f7d8b29741bd0d50ebde925544b8e6dd99
Email: support@rabet.io
Github: https://github.com/rabetofficial