I volunteer as a Parent Booster for the Miami Springs Senior High Mu Alpha Theta Math Club. Our job is to raise funds for really deserving and bright kids who want to participate in Math Competitions but can't afford to do so as it is cost prohibitive. To cover the cost of competitions including nationals, each child needs between $1200 - $2000 per school year. This is almost impossible for the kids coming from low income households. As a 501c3 organization, we are always looking for new ways to raise funds while exposing these exceptional teens to new opportunities in learning and ways of improving their future circumstances.
My question to the Stellar community is this: Is there a way for an educational booster club such as ourselves to partner with stellar's "do good" distribution in order to provide opportunities for these Stellar future minds to shine?
Here is our fb page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/69504450389/