I own a youth STEM and gaming business. We plan on teaching cryptocurrency as a course this summer including setting up and running an XLM Node. We are also developing a rewards system using a custom token on the Stellar network. In order to accomplish this, we are creating the wallets, and then setting up a trustline for the kids to our token. Are there any developers who can create a program to automate wallet creation, funding it with 2 XLM to activate it, and then creating the trust line to our custom token? In a perfect world, I would like some type of GUI that I enter my wallet Secret Key that has the funding XLM in it, enter how many wallets I want to create, the custom token Code and Issuer Key to establish the trustline, and then it pumps out a list of the secret keys and public keys for all the activated wallets. This would let us create batch wallets for each of my locations based on the number of wallets needed. Please message me at hanover@grindgamingarena.com if this is a project you'd be willing to take on or if you can point me to someone who can. Prost!