There is definitely a place for a more specific stellar community (e.g. traders on the stellar network). Right now all the forums try to be as broad as possible, but this provides little value. We already have 2 realtime chats and like 5 forums.
When you are starting a new community you need to provide some value. For example writing posts about trading strategies or what anchors you like and how to use them. When I started GalacticTalk I spent the first month writing many posts about stellar and reviewing wallets. This gives you content to share and reach new users.
People don't like to be paid small amounts for creating content online. If you are being paid you think of it as work and it creates a negative emotion. There is a paper about it that I can't find right now. This is also the reason why non of the paid to answer question sites worked, but SO succeeded.
Two more forums have the same strategy. They promise users to be paid if the forum wins a reward in SBC. The problem is that your users take all the risk, but maybe end up without any reward. If you want to create a great community you need to put in the work. Do your research and write a lot. There is no shortcut.
I also tried a competition on galactictalk to boost the quality of posts. But I did it after I had the money to pay users. I don't think a circular strategy, where you depend on winning the SBC, will work.