bet1102 Hello, I have 3 account stellar, have 20XLM on each one account How can i merge 3 account ? Please help me Thank you
bkolobara bet1102 You can use this tool to do it: Here is also the source code of it:
ucoin686 bkolobara excuse you ! I can't use this tool to do it: Please help me !
fiatjaf Use to build a transaction of the kind "Account Merge". Specify the account that will be merged as the source, the account that will receive the merge as the destination. Then sign the transaction by just pasting the secret key of the account that is being merged, and finally submit the transaction. The interface is quite self-explanatory. You can try issuing some transactions with testnet accounts first if you're unsure.
bkolobara comadaihiep92 I used it in the past and it worked, but you should be always careful when giving your secret key to a random websites. Using the Stellar Laboratory would be safer, but also a bit more complicated.
mubashariqbal Lumenauts has a tutorial on this: