I've been wanting to build a platform where creators, builders and thinkers can find and help each other with their ideas. I have a wall full of post-it notes with ideas, but no good place to discuss them, or find people with similar passions.
In 2013 a startup called Assembly [0] created a platform that did that. Unfortunately they closed down in 2015 [1]. On the platform, creators could post jobs and collaborators were paid with some form of "equity".
I think Assembly was a good idea, but launched too soon. Today, with the advent of tokens and ICO's, there is a better way to create and share the ownership of ideas and their execution.
So I'm thinking of building a platform where people post their ideas in the form of a business plan. Others can give feedback on the idea and provide assistance. The creator can post jobs and share the ownership of the idea by giving tokens to helpful users. The tokens would be created and traded on the Stellar Network. If an idea gains enough traction it could raise funds by doing an ICO (again on the Stellar Network).
This is an idea that's been brewing for years. I'm looking for others to help me with this. In fact, it would be great if this project would dog-food and be the first successful idea on its own platform, using it to coordinate the execution, and distribute its ownership.
Questions I have:
1. Would this be a good application for the Stellar Build Challenge? In the application or token category, or both?
2. Who would be interested in creating this platform?
3. Who would be interested in using this platform?
4. What should we name this? "Stellar Ideas" ?
[0] crunchbase.com/organization/assembly
[1] assemblymade.com