I tried the binary download on Linux Mint. I couldn't see any executable file in it. tried setting StellarWallet executable but didn't seem to work. so I went and tried the github and build it. that returned some errors but when ignored it still seems to build a working binary that could run.
Looking at it operate looks nice and much like stellarterm in looks and operation especially in trade mode that I like as stellarterm is my favorite trading platform. All the other parts I looked at look good easy to understand with the very cool feature of integration with anchors that I have never seen any other wallet have before.
This wallet is also one of the only wallets that allow changing the default horizon URL. This is only the second wallet that I have seen that even has this option. With the stellar horizon getting overwhelmed with every wallet being pointed at it as the only default, we have begun to see times that service has gotten slow. without this option to point at other active horizon this can make some wallets at times worthless, but not this one.
On the negative side I see no way to import presently held secret keys. Maybe I just failed to find the method to do so but? You can however export the original secret key. I also don't see any easy way to support multiple account key sets but not that it is impossible. You can have multiple wallet.txt files to log you into one key at a time. Again this is a feature that only few people like myself would probably have any use for
Also negative but probably only for people like me as I must be one of the only people that like to play with stuff in testnet mode. This wallet has no option to set it to testnet mode that I could find.