This topic is for Stellar Build Challenge submission.
@PapayaBot (https://t.me/PapayaBot) is a Telegram chat-bot, multi-currency wallet. You can use it inside Telegram on any platform: Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS.
You don't need to take care of private keys or remember complex passwords. Your wallet linked directly to your Telegram account and you are the only one, who can access it. If you have concerns about other people accessing your device or government trying to hijack your account - those problems are already solved by Telegram.
- It supports multiple currencies (all are assets on Stellar network)
- I'm trying to make it as easy to use as possible, even for people who don't know anything about blockchain
- It's meant to support any user languages (at the moment just English and Russian). Community help needed to translate into more languages.
- Internal apps. Wallet will have it's own internal apps, which will extend it's functionality, for example different investment options, gambling or anything else. At the moment there are 2 apps: for swapping currency you have to currency you want, and another one for peer-to-peer trading (somewhat similar to localbitcoins). Will be an easy way to cash in and out (anywhere ATM concept).
- supports invitations through email and SMS. You can send money to email@domain.com*papayame.com
and person will get email invitation to add @PapayaBot and receive your transfer. If they don't act for some time, sent assets will be returned to you.
- Send to BTC address directly
- Initially we didn't have support for XLM and all Stellar features were hidden from users. But we decided to make it more friendly for Stellar community and now you can use it as XLM wallet.
- We externalised part of the application, responsible for BTC wallet. Now it's not built-in, but uses external BTC anchor (https://btc.papayame.com). I hope it will help to improve liquidity for XLM/BTC pair, which will make exchange for wallet users cheaper and faster.
- We've reworked our p2p trading module, splitted into 2 parts, which will help us to migrate currency swaps to be based on Stellar Decentralized Exchange (not finished yet).
- Voluntary mobile number, location and document based verification for safe trading
- More anchors for other cryptos coming
- Exchange and path payments on the network
- Internal apps and integrations with other Stellar projects

Feedback is always welcome!